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The team at MODUS would love to Partner Brew with you in our state-of-the-art facility and turn your dreams into a very delicious reality. Whether that be beer, seltzer, RTD or non-alcoholic beverage in can or bottle – your contract brewing wish is our command. When you choose to partner brew with us, our team of expert beverage makers will work with you from initial concept through to final product ensuring you get the best possible liquid and packaged goods.

OUR Brewing Ethos

When it comes to beer we don’t compromise, and neither should you. Since 2014, we’ve gone to great lengths to brew a better standard of beer. It’s a commitment to going that bit further to find the best quality and the best flavour.

That’s the thing about Modus and its drinkers – we believe every drop of life is worth the hard work it takes to make it. Especially when it comes to the good things in it, like beer. And that’s why, on every one of our cans you’ll read: 

Beer First, No Shortcuts.

Modus Brewing is based in Merewether, Newcastle and on the Northern Beaches of Sydney. We proudly run on 100% Green Energy, are hungry innovators and 100% Aussie owned and brewed.




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