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Jinja Gram Ginger Beer

Zingin’ for a refreshing gingery sip of greatness?! This is something completely new for Modus and we have secretly been trialling it over summer on tap and it’s kicking Jinja goals.

Introducing Jinja Gram Ginger Beer. Made with beautifully knobbly fresh ginger and a good squeeze from some citrus friends, this beer packs a ginger spice punch of flavour, a mouth watering body and a perfectly balanced sweetness that’ll be sure to ignite and refresh your taste buds.

This is our first Limited Edition Ginger Beer and first limited of 2023 and we are pumped for you to dive into this considered and super balanced ginger beer. Is your mouth watering yet? Buy Jinja Gram online here or head into our Modus Mona Vale or Merewether venue to try it on tap now. You won’t regret it!


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